With restriction easing slower getting more and more inclusive of more normal activities, we at Alliance Online are looking forward to the hospitality and leisure industries finally being open unencumbered by the pandemic. We have partnered up with one of our key suppliers Essity via one of their main brands Tork, to bring you a series of posts regarding their latest products that can help these reopening industries.
First, we featured PeakServe, an intuitive and smart option for hand drying hygiene. Then we looked at their latest hand wash ranges in the form of Tork Spray Soap and Clarity Foam soaps. Now we turn our attention to their brilliant new napkin option Xpressnap Fit.
Introducing a smarter napkin solution
Xpressnap Fit represents Tork’s latest innovation in napkin dispensing technology. With table space and sustainability being two key considerations for eateries in recent years, especially in city areas Tork have developed this option which should help in both areas. The new dispensers in the Xpressnap range offer users a much smaller footprint meaning less space is taken away from tabletops and counters. In turn this leaves more available area for other table condiments, dishes and drinks and just generally helps to prevent tables becoming too crowded.
The compact nature of the refills along with its one-at-a-time dispensing reduces how often it needs refilling. The singular sheet dispensing also makes for less wasted and un-used napkins over conventional dispensers due to users being able to accurately select the desired number of napkins needed, opposed to being left with multiple which aren’t required.
Speaking about Xpressnap Fit Tork have said the following:
“We have observed that an increasing number of consumers are unhappy about creating unnecessary waste,” says Brand Communications Manager Amelia Baker.
Following the government banning single use plastics, Essity considered ways they could help reduce waste too, “We at Essity are making our own efforts to provide the sustainable solutions that customers increasingly demand.”
The Tork Xpressnap dispenser has the built-in sustainability benefit of reducing napkin consumption by at least 25 per cent. This is because napkins are given out one at a time instead of in clumps as with most other units.
“When diners are forced to take out more napkins than they need, most of these will end up going to waste,” said Amelia. “The fact that the Tork Xpressnap dispenser gives out napkins one at a time helps to improve sustainability and reduce costs while also offering a hygiene benefit, since each diner touches only the napkin they use.”
The dispenser also features an Ad-a-glance panel for displaying the venue’s own messages. “Besides being a handy window for promoting offers and products, this can also be used to reinforce the venue’s wider environmental messaging,” said Amelia. “Together with unbleached Tork Xpressnap napkins this can help a restaurant or cafe to position itself as an establishment that really cares about the environment.”
So, if you are looking for a napkin option to benefit your business by way of space saving, environmentally friendly, waste reducing or additional advertising then look no further than Xpressnap Fit.